Venice Historical Resources Responds to COVID-19

As we make history during this extraordinary time, Venice Historical Resources is preparing to document, collect, and preserve these events for future generations.  From executive staffs in business and government, to front-line workers in healthcare and food service, to you and me, our actions and our stories will define us.  And so your Division of Historical Resources asks you to join us in collecting and preserving them.

Journaling can be a powerful tool to organize thoughts, ideas, emotions, and memories. They can also provide an incredible insight into the lives of people in good times and bad.  The words you put to paper today can inform historians in the future what it was like living during this pandemic.  We encourage you to take the time to either write down on paper, type into a diary app, or record yourself sharing your day-to-day happenings and the impacts of the Coronavirus on you and your loved ones.  When you feel you are ready, make a promise to share this with the Venice Museum by telling us that you want future historians to know your story. Simply CLICK THE IMAGE and fill out the basic contact form. 

Along with journaling, oral histories are another great way to collect your memories.  Venice Historical Resources is utilizing StoryCorps to provide a means for you to do oral histories with people you are now at home with.  This is a great way to spend quality time having younger family members interview older ones.  Using your smartphone you can download the StoryCorps app, follow the tutorials there or on their Web site, and join the Venice community at the StoryCorps Archives to find sample questions to use and upload your oral history.  Interviews collected there will be preserved forever with the Library of Congress and at the Julia Cousins Laning and Dale Laning Archives & Research Center.

Finally, your historical resources will be reaching out in the weeks ahead to talk to people, organizations, and businesses about what objects and ephemera represent the impact of this event to you and our community—both personally and collectively.  We will be collecting items to safeguard their meaning and purpose for the future.  Please recommend and consider donating items that tell our story of Venice and this historical event.

For more information, please contact us at 941-486-2487 or